Clarification needed on electric bike story for Victoria

Riders of electric models largely law-abiding, reader writes

Re: Scooters cause conflict on area roads (News, Jan. 27)

This article was horribly unbalanced and misleading.

They were referred throughout as electric scooters while what was being written about were scooter-style electric bikes. The article painted a picture of the scooters causing conflict. A fairer viewpoint would have been that people who had caused conflict on the road in other vehicles were an issue as far as scooters go.

I have severe arthritis and had both knees replaced at a young age. I didn’t know electric bicycles existed until I bought mine in July. I know the rules. I ride with care and attention. The only time I didn’t have both pedals on was when one broke off, which I had replaced somewhat ironically now at Scooter Underground.

I have never had a licence. A number of issues including poverty made that impossible. My scooter will pay for itself in savings from the HandyDART 14 months after the purchase.

People who can drive cannot really imagine what a joy it is to pop out to get something suddenly. It’s impossible if you are disabled. HandyDART bookings not made two weeks in advance have a high likelihood of not happening.

My scooter gets me to the pool where I swim. I can afford to go there more often now so I am healthier. So yes, I don’t pedal the thing. I can’t pedal anything. But I ride it for my health.

Don’t get two groups of electric scooter-style riders confused. People with licence suspensions should simply be prohibited from operating anything motorized. Make them take the bus so they can appreciate the joy of mobility that they are putting in jeopardy with their actions.

Kris Brink


Oak Bay News