Clark can begin by voting for throne speech pledges

Christy Clark has set the bar high in claiming to be a changed person



Clark can begin by voting for throne speech pledges

Christy Clark has set the bar high in claiming to be a changed person; a humbled MLA, interested only in working across party lines for the benefit of every British Columbian.

Her promise stands in stark contrast to her tenure as premier when she led a government best characterized as ideologically driven, one person, one party rule; a government that was by turns dismissive, indifferent and always arrogant.

While it is probably too late for Ms. Clark to hope for another term as premier, she may soon have an opportunity to prove that she is something more than a neoliberal wolf in socialist clothing — as leader of the opposition.

She might begin by voting in favour of the 30 or so pledges made in her throne speech; commitments borrowed from the Greens and the NDP including such measures as proportional representation, childcare, a multitude of social justice measures, raising the carbon tax and a ban on corporate donations.

Christy Clark has set the bar high in promising less partisan, more collaborative, more compassionate government.

We can only wait to see if she has any real intention of clearing that bar.

Mike Ward


Cowichan Valley Citizen