Clark’s conversion a holiday miracle?

It is difficult to know what to make of Premier Christy Clark’s sudden change of heart on three long festering issues.

It is difficult to know what to make of Premier Christy Clark’s sudden change of heart on three long festering issues.

After illegally stripping the teacher contract, wasting millions of tax dollars fighting in court and robbing an entire generation of children of a better education, Clark says she is celebrating her Supreme Court smackdown as a win for students.

Having frozen the parks budget for 15 years, Clark has suddenly realized that parks are precious assets and promised to restore a little of the lost funding.

Most remarkably, after ignoring unaffordable real estate prices and the homelessness crisis for more than a decade, the premier has announced a tax on foreign buyers combined with an investment in low cost housing.

It’s hard to say if British Columbians are witnessing crass politicking or a conversion to rival Saul’s on the road to Damascus, but I prefer to believe the latter.

No Grinch here folks; Christy Clark’s heart grew three sizes last month in a miracle worthy of the Christmas season.


Mike Ward


Cowichan Valley Citizen