Clayton residents: Clean up your neighbourhood

Littering is like a progressive disease in that it feeds on itself.

The topic is the amount of litter in the front yards, the boulevards and on the streets in the East Clayton neighbourhood. It’s time for people to be responsible and take action to clean up their space and maybe even their neighbour’s space. It’s in each owner’s best interest to protect their investment and to stop the downward spiral of becoming a ghetto.

Littering is like a progressive disease in that it feeds on itself. If a neighbourhood looks clean I think people are less likely to litter. Parents need to have a talk with their children. People snacking and slurping in their cars need to take it with them and not throw it out the window or dump it on the curb. Dog walkers need to bag their dog’s waste and take it with them for disposal and not leave doggie bags behind or throw them in the trees. Renters need to be as responsible as owners, as this is your home too.

The City of Surrey could help by providing more garbage cans in high-traffic areas and walking paths. TransLink should have garbage cans at all bus stops.

There has to be a sea change in public mentality to clean up this area and keep it clean ongoing.

Wally Forder, Surrey

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