Clean up after your dogs on the boardwalk

Having lived in Oceanside for 15 years now (Qualicum Beach for six and Parksville for nine), I would be remiss if I didn’t write with my thoughts.

Having lived in Oceanside for 15 years now (Qualicum Beach for six and Parksville for nine), I would be remiss if I didn’t write with my thoughts.

Qualicum was a very small and pretty town when we moved here and the new construction and changes over the years have only enhanced the town and made it more beautiful.

Parksville on the other hand was a rather sorry site and was really considered by many to be Qualicum’s poorer cousin.

Not so any longer! Parksville has grown and is flourishing in a different way.

The municipality is making some good choices. Congratulations to the decision makers who added the quality and professional signage to Parksville. This adds a lot to the branding and perception by visitors and residents alike.

Even greater notes of appreciation go to those who have created the marvelous boardwalk. A place has been created where teens walk and talk after school, lovers stroll, moms and dads push their babies, and our seniors hold hands and walk with their canes or wheel their chairs. And, at almost any time of day you will see lots of people walking their well-behaved dogs. All of this activity takes place in beautiful harmony.

The scenery is magnificent and we are indeed blessed with a lovely adjacent park which is also well used by the citizens. As I have been walking this boardwalk every single day now, regardless of the weather, for many months with a Second Chances small rescue dog or my own dog, I have to extend special kudos to the parks maintenance crew who have kept the walkway clear of snow so the hardy citizens could stay fit and the community dogs had a place to walk and do the essentials!! Thank you!

And on that note; my plea: The vast majority of walkers do pick up after their dogs. But a small percentage of inconsiderate walkers don’t.

In order that this beautiful boardwalk can continue to nurture the souls of all the citizens and visitors without eventual restriction to dog walkers – please always pick up after the dogs.

Caroline McDonald


Parksville Qualicum Beach News