Clean up your own mess

Dear editor,
Regarding the man who decided to use his cell and hallway area to do and smear his business, here are my thoughts:

Dear editor,Regarding the story in the Record Oct. 12 pertaining to the man who decided to use his cell and hallway area to do and smear his business, here are my thoughts:• As my grandmother taught us, if YOU make a mess, YOU clean it up!• I can understand for health issues that the staff involved wanted to be sure the entire areas in question were thoroughly cleaned; however, the fellow in question should have been made to clean the top layer. If he was too intoxicated to partake in cleaning his mess, giving him coffee and a cold shower may have helped.• The staff involved deserves to be highly praised for having gone beyond the call as far as I am concerned.I may sound a bit harsh, but this kind of behaviour should have warranted not just a charge of mischief, but also his personal involvement in clean up.What a shame that those serving our community have to deal with such as this!Hopefully community service will be recommended.Larraine Stevens,Comox

Comox Valley Record