Cleanup is the cost of doing business

"Please send cash here where you crap the most, the Vancouver crowd won’t mind. It’s the price of doing business, right?"

Thank you Teck for your ongoing efforts to mitigate the Edsel you inherited and built on. How you accomplish this task without throwing in the towel is beyond me.

When I was a kid we drove through a cloud of blue smog, but that was not unusual. And smog, not steam, would drop into downtown but that was the cost of having an economic engine that supported Trail and Kimberley. And if you go to the Bank of Montreal, you’ll see an old picture of filthy workers in line for their banking.

So standards have changed since then and continue to change. Or have they?

In Alberta, oilsands work camps are routinely bulldozed down with all the conveyors, sheets of stainless steel, wires, pipes and furniture and any other piece of equipment instead of recycling. Why doesn’t the illustrious Globe and Mail comment on that, instead of Trail?

I believe because we are consistently screwing up in Trail and the oilsands is a boring topic and in a downturn.

So thank you, Teck, for the many corporate donations you make here. You are trying a bit, and we understand refining is a process that deals with heavy metal pollution.

So fight on, my dear corporate giant, but send some more cash here where you do your business.

Every dog owner knows the costs of Fido’s elimination is a plastic bag, and bending over. Please send cash here where you crap the most, the Vancouver crowd won’t mind. It’s the price of doing business, right?

Don Birkenes,Trail

Trail Daily Times