Clearing up seniors centre confusion

Editor, The Record:

Recent correspondence may have led to public confusion in regard to facilities for seniors in Mission. This community has had since 2009 a very active operating seniors centre at 10 Avenue and Taulbut Street.

Seniors of Mission (age 55-plus) who want to see for themselves the scope of services currently offered at our centre are warmly invited to tea on Oct. 1. This will celebrate the United Nations international Day of the Elder Citizen, the climax of Seniors’ Week as proclaimed by Mission council. Let us know if you are coming, for catering purposes. For details call 604-814-2188.

Mission Seniors Centre Association is supported by our municipal council, which has made a series of improvements to the facility to better serve us. More are contemplated and council is also sympathetic to the provision of a new facility in the near future.

MSCA publishes a monthly program of events featuring recreation, health and fitness. Our social lounge is open daily. We have a coordinating role with venerable OAPO branch 28, and most other seniors’ activity groups. Our volunteers have put in thousands of hours and are gratefully supported by the community.

MSCA is working with council for the future provision of a custom-designed facility, but not at the expense of overruns and tax increases. We see far too many examples of this type of compulsive spending around us. This is not our way and we think our council and citizens are generally of like mind.

Frank Sleigh

MSCA president

Mission City Record