Client appeals to public

The Cammy LaFleur Street Nurse Outreach Program is currently seeking much needed donations

The Cammy LaFleur Street Nurse Outreach Program is currently seeking much needed donations to ensure the continuity of service to our persons served. Below, please find a letter written by one our persons stating what they need from our program:

The people at the North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society clinic help us by giving us vitamins, medical help and support any way they can. Like commemorating a friend who has died. Take us to funerals. Let us write and read eulogies. Give flu shots. Blood tests.

They put us through programs. To help others. Supply us with life advice skills. Listen and support, with open hearts.

The donations they give us help us stay clean and healthy.

Right now, they need your help from your donations.

Razors, big bar soap, Boost, lip balm, toothpaste, Q-Tips, Band-Aids, shampoo, shaving cream, sweets, chewy bars, canned goods, Kool-Aid singles, dog food, pads, tampons, nice clothes and shoes. A&W and Tim Hortons food gift cards would also be nice too.

Please give us what you can to help us low-income people who need the clinic.

Thank you for your support.


Kerry Wilson




Vernon Morning Star