Climate change and moral superiority

Reader skeptical about predictions of global warming

To the editor:

I am writing about Tom Fletcher’s column, headlined Global warming stalled politically too, (B.C. Views, Nov. 13).

I’m glad to hear there are a few skeptics out there. I often feel as if I’m trapped behind enemy lines here on Vancouver Island.

I guess the reason is skeptics, who have some scientific knowledge, tend to be hesitant about making absolute statements about future climate trends and their economic effects, while the “warmists” respond with passionate certainty backed up with an air of moral superiority.

I get blank stares when I point out we are standing on a glacial outwash fan that was under two kilometres of ice when our First Nation ancestors were chasing reindeer in Europe.

Now that was global warming. Wonder how we caused that?

Dick Robertson



100 Mile House Free Press