Climate change in question

There’s enough reliable, truthful, scientific knowledge available for anyone seeking the truth about climate change

We like what Tom Fletcher writes; especially, when it involves anthropogenic climate change. We’ve written Fletcher before to express our appreciation for his slant in denying the climate-cultists their free rein on this subject.

Without belaboring the point, let me simply state there’s enough reliable, truthful, scientific knowledge available for anyone seeking the truth about climate change — natural or anthropogenic.

If readers complain about what Fletcher writes in the Saanich News, simply ask if they have read: Heaven and Earth, global warming, the missing science, by Dr. Ian Plimer; Bjorn Lomborg’s: Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming or Alex Epstein’s: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuel. And also direct their attention to Dr. Patrick Moore’s many YouTube lectures.

Anyone who still believes in Al Gore’s wanton misinformation (which never came true in 2016 — 10 years after his release of An Inconvenient Truth in 2006), is also wantonly ignorant of the many scientific facts to disprove climate change is linked to human activity.

Bill Irvine





Saanich News