Climate coalition claims are simply not legitimate

NANAIMO – Re: Government must get its act together on climate change, Jan 8.

To the Editor,

Re: Government must get its act together on climate change, Jan 8.

I suppose in the interest of balanced coverage this article from the PR outfit now calling itself the International Climate Science Coalition was printed.

Few would take the ICSC seriously.

The scientists associated with this organization include those who have denied the dangers of smoking, DDT, ozone-depleting CFCs and now fossil fuels.

The ICSC claims that carbon in the atmosphere does not trap heat.

Even a child knows that a car left in the summer’s sun gets warmer inside than it is outside.

This is called the greenhouse effect.

While the ICSC falsely claims to get all of its funding from private individuals, it did receive a large donation from the Heartland Institute, whose funding is derived mostly from large corporations whose business interests include methane gas and coal extraction.

In the interest of balanced journalism I would encourage the News Bulletin to print an article claiming that the Earth is flat, since there are those who still deny that we live on an orb.

In the meantime, I hope that the members of the ICSC do not leave their pets or children in cars exposed to the summer heat.

The resulting fines may not be good for their economic well-being.

Ian Gartshore


Nanaimo News Bulletin