Climate debate hasn’t changed

NANAIMO – Re: Climate coalition claims simply not legitimate, Letters, Jan. 12.

To the Editor,

Re: Climate coalition claims simply not legitimate, Letters, Jan. 12.

It is one of the most enduring modern myths that people believed the Earth was flat.

Eratosthenes judged the circumference of the earth to within a couple of thousand miles in the third century BC. Famous disputes between religion and scientists were more about power and image than substance.

The debate hasn’t changed much.

Waving the great sheaf of doom with its bundled woes, accompanied with suitable algorean histrionics, is likely to distract the focus from climate change and lead to paralysis instead of coherent action.

Al Gore built the oft-repeated bundle in his famous movie while managing one of the most energy-profligate households in the state of Tennessee.

No fortunate son, I will point out that no one ever cites Gore’s environmental accomplishments during his lifetime in political office.

But I’m sure they’re equal to those of his bizarro twin, George Bush.

Easy to see why Gordon Campbell was such a fan. That performance matches well with giving yourself a $64,000 raise while keeping the minimum wage stagnant for a decade.

The greatest unreality of all is the carbon tax and accelerated schedule of hydro and fuel increases meant to ameliorate global warming.

This allows government to advertise its low tax rate and fiscal responsibility while hiding behind B.C. Hydro, its revenue collecting agent. It makes the poor poorer, forces people to drive older polluting cars longer, and spend more money on repairs with little hope of change.

All these things are guilty of stalling the issue. All act to obscure the fact that this province and this country have not a ghost of a plan to deal with climate change.

Michael Dance


Nanaimo News Bulletin