Close call

I write this letter to the young woman who, in Armstrong recently, decided to turn left off of Okanagan Street on to Pleasant Valley Road and head towards the fairgrounds.

I write this letter to the young woman who, in Armstrong recently, decided to turn left off of Okanagan Street on to Pleasant Valley Road and head towards the fairgrounds.

Had you slowed down and taken the corner at a safe speed, you may have actually seen my daughter and I (I was the one wearing white) walking in the intersection and you may have stopped to let us get safely to the curb.

But instead, you careened around the corner with blatant disregard to public safety, barely missing us.

I mean seriously, barely missing us.

Now, had you been somewhat in control of your grey SUV and actually stayed in your proper lane, my daughter and I would be dead. Yes, you were going that fast.

So I am grateful that you were that out of control that you had to use the line of (thankfully unoccupied) angle parking as your personal race track to get back on the road properly.

I don’t think you even saw us.

I have no idea if you had just blew the stop sign at the four-way stop, because when we entered the intersection, it was clear.

We were in such disbelief of what had just happened, neither of us got your license plate number, but you have long, straight brown hair and you are young and pretty.

I hope you realize what you did could have been absolutely devastating for both of our families.

I hope you look at that pretty face in the mirror and be grateful that you are not in the hospital at best, or in jail at worst.

Young people out there, please slow down.

J. Hansen


Vernon Morning Star