Close the doors and turn out the lights behind you

Get rid of AV Bulldogs, get rid of the hockey school, close once ice rink and take ice out of Multiplex from April-September, reader says

To the editor,

During the next two years the Bulldogs will incur about $225,00,000 in short-term debt (including about $50,000 to Community Futures), with $148,500 owed to the City of Port Alberni alone.

Long-term debt remains at $300,000. That debt arose because the team was losing gobs of money under the previous ownership.

The behavior of the junior hockey society and the inherent cost structure has ensured that the team will fold after two years unless the city throws in more of our money.

The Multiplex operation is costing us about another $700,000 per year.

My solutions are to let the team go, get rid of the money-losing summer hockey school, close one sheet of ice permanently, and take the ice out of the Multiplex from April to late September.

Perhaps the Parks and Recreation director could tell us how much money the above actions would save after 2016.

Richard Berg,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News