Clothes Co. closes to find new location

Clothes Co. Thrift Shop will not be accepting donations after Sept. 12 until we relocate

Editor, The Times:

We have some good and bad news.

I am reporting our temporary closure after Sept. 27. Clothes Co. Thrift Shop will not be accepting donations after Sept. 12 until we relocate.

We are now in our 20th year of operation. Thanks mainly to our volunteers, to the school district for its generous donation of the use of its building, which is to be retired after years of use, and to you the community.

We have had so much help and support along the way.

As reported, we donated hugely to the building fund of the new hospital and since then have generously bought needed equipment for the same. This is our sole reason for operating.

Without your support we could not have been so successful. But after Sept. 27 we will be closing temporarily until we find a new location, as this building is no longer useable.

We could certainly use your help in finding a suitable building. Our contact number is 250-674-3212 or 250-674-0203.

Thanks to all who have been so generous.

Mary Stewart

and all the volunteers at


the Clothes Co. Thrift Shop



Clearwater Times