Co-operation needed on preservation effort

Re: Linley Valley effort maintains pressure, April 7.

To the Editor

Re: Linley Valley effort maintains pressure, April 7.

It was very pleasing to hear that there is such good public support for protection of Linley Valley West. This property is such a beautiful jewel for the mid-Island area.

What could be more precious to us, our children and grandchildren than protecting this beautiful land?

We can relatively easily find room for development; however, once this property of 162 hectares has been drastically altered, it would take a very long time to be restored.

City council seemed on the right path voting 8-1 for finding ways to explore ways of purchasing and protecting Linley Valley West. The sudden turn-around by the majority of councillors was indeed puzzling.

Perhaps city council could find a way to work together with the property owners of Linley Valley West to come up with solutions favourable to all.

There is a wonderful example further north on Vancouver Island in the Bowser area, where developers and environmentalists alike worked closely together to everyone’s satisfaction and deep appreciation.

Further information can be obtained from the Nile Creek Enhancement Society – a group of very hard working residents who have gained community support and set important precedents in addition to gaining internationally recognized success in restoring and protecting coastal property and streams.

Lynn Burrows


Nanaimo News Bulletin