Letter writers are speaking out over health concerns, as Port Metro Vancouver plans to ship more coal by rail.

Letter writers are speaking out over health concerns, as Port Metro Vancouver plans to ship more coal by rail.

Co-ordinated efforts over coal


Months ago, MP Russ Hiebert noted that he, too, had concerns about the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal-handling facility.


Months ago, MP Russ Hiebert noted that he, too, had concerns about the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal-handling facility (Community being heard over coal: MP, July 2). Yet he stated he just didn’t have any authority or power to do anything. And this from our three-times-elected member of Parliament.

No authority? Could not do anything about it?

On May 30, Dr. Paul Van Buynder of Fraser Health called for Port Metro Vancouver to conduct a full health-impact assessment (Health officer wields power, June 13). For a full three months nothing was heard.

Now, after considerable public concern in the form of 10,000-signature petition by Communities and Coal and from thousands of others who have contacted Port Metro, they have agreed to conduct a truncated environmental-impact assessment. Unfortunately, it falls far short of a full health-impact assessment.

Well, now is the time for Hiebert (South Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale) to stand up for his constituents and do what is right – be an advocate for his constituents.

It is really quite simple. He doesn’t have to yell and scream or anything like that. All he has to do is send two letters to Port Metro Vancouver, calling on them to comply fully with the full health-impact assessment and urging them to support the democratic process fully by agreeing to hold full public hearings.

Romi & Roger Mattu, Delta

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As residents who live near the BNSF rail line, we are very concerned with the prospect of having more cheap U.S. coal moving through our community.

This Warren Buffet/Jim Pattison partnership is affecting our health, our peace and our property values as well as promoting and assisting pollution in Asia.

Charles Fast, White Rock

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An open letter to Dr. Paul Van Buynder.

As a resident of the Lower Mainland who will be adversely affected by the negative impacts of coal dust, diesel particulate matter, noise and safety, should the Fraser Surrey Docks permit application be approved, I am looking to you as a strong voice to stand up for the thousands of people who are counting on you to be our voice when Fraser Surrey Docks releases its environmental-impact assessment.

We know already this assessment is going to fall short of what you had recommended with the comprehensive health-impact assessment months ago. As we expect this EIA to be released this coming week, please know that we are looking to you to help us and our families. Please know that we support your efforts and commend you for being our voice in such a pivotal time.

You do not only have my support by voice but also my respect for all you are doing during this crucial period for the Lower Mainland and the seaside communities of Ocean Park, Crescent Beach and White Rock.

Johan Sandstrom,White Rock



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