Coal critic was not accurate

Dear editor,

John Tapics

John Tapics

Dear editor,

Campbell Connor’s Jan. 6 opinion letter “Dismay caused by coal remarks” contains inaccurate information.

His statement that the Raven Project coal “would not produce one ounce of coking coal without the addition of the higher quality coal” is incorrect.

One hundred per cent of the mineable coal in the Raven deposit is metallurgical or coking coal.

This is clearly stated in the Oct. 14, 2010, Technical Report, prepared by independent registered professional geologists and engineers and filed with the Canadian Securities Administration at

This Technical Report also clearly indicates that the Raven Project has favourable economics, with the average forecast selling price of metallurgical coal at $142 per tonne and the cost of sales at $75 per tonne. The coal, which is combined with iron ore to make steel, is in high demand from international markets.

Metallurgical coal has been mined from the Comox coal field and its Cumberland mines since the late 1800s. Photos of the early coke ovens and the piles of coke produced can be found in the historical photo gallery on the project website at

The proposed Raven Project is subject to a comprehensive co-ordinated federal and provincial environmental review process, which considers comments from technical experts, First Nations, governments and the public. Federal and provincial reviews are extensive and consider environmental, social, economic, health and First Nations interests.

As part of the environmental assessment, independent environmental consultants are completing detailed aquifer mapping and modelling. This information will be available for public review when completed and included in the Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate.

The proposed Raven Underground Coal Project presents an important opportunity for a socially and environmentally responsible project that will provide economic and social benefits to Port Alberni and the Comox Valley. This includes 200 construction jobs; 335 well-paying, full-time mine port and transportation jobs; and 500 indirect jobs in the Port Alberni and Comox Valley areas. The average employee would make roughly $100,000 a year, including benefits.

The Raven Project is committed to local hiring and sourcing and will significantly benefit local suppliers.

We expect the BC Environmental Assessment Office to announce the public comment period for the Draft Application Information Requirements (AIR) early this year. Please check the project website at for this announcement and regular project updates.

Questions and comments are always welcome at the Project Information Line: 250-830-7346.

John Tapics

Editor’s note: John Tapics is president and CEO of the Raven Underground Coal Project.

Comox Valley Record