

Collaborative government superior to competitive

It would be unwise to remove the Green influence

Collaborative government superior to competitive

Re: https://www.cowichanvalleycitizen.com/opinion/rob-douglas-is-the-best-choice-for-mla/

While I have great respect for Ann Mendenhall’s opinion on all things, I must respectfully agree to disagree with this opinion.

The insinuation seems to be that the Green caucus failed to be the “kingmakers” they were expected to be. I believe this is an incorrect characterization of the Green Party’s contributions over the last three years:

• CleanBC is the collaborative effort between NDP and Greens

• Greens were the driving force behind the recent electoral reforms in finance and lobbying

• Greens were also the driving force behind the elimination of MSP premiums and pharmacare expansion

• Greens were a key voting block against the CGL LNG expansion

• Let’s not forget Sonia’s history-making accomplishment of getting the landfill permit revoked to protect the Cowichan watershed

• Sonia also began addressing systemic racism in child welfare by putting an end to destructive government policies, such as birth alerts, that have had a disproportionate impact on many indigenous families both here in Cowichan Valley and across B.C.

• Her advocacy and work with the community has led to Cowichan getting a new high school, a new hospital, a new weir, and 100 supportive housing units

While the BC NDP are doing an excellent job of managing this pandemic and cleaning up the disastrous societal mess left by the Liberals, it would be unwise to remove the Green influence that has pushed them to these heights.

History has proven that citizens benefit more from collaborative, as opposed to competitive, governments. Our very own social health care system is the result of the collaboration of a minority government.

I DO believe Rob is an excellent person whose values are very in keeping with good governance but he lacks the experience in Legislature that Sonia brings to the table.

I also have reservations about giving the NDP the majority that would allow them to stop finding collaboration necessary. We still have work to do and the NDP have been a far better party for being held to higher standards by Green input.

Let’s not ruin a good thing. To lose Ms. Furstenau’s voice and the Green input in the Legislature would, in my opinion, lessen the NDP’s commitment to keep pushing forward. We need them.

C. Lopushinsky


Cowichan Valley Citizen