College cuts must be stopped

I believe one must have basic math skills to decipher technical drawings, isn’t it so?

Dear Sir:

In reference to the March 21 issue of The Terrace Standard and the spread provided for news regarding job plans, urges from the provincial government to “go north” for work and the initiative of Northwest Community College in  promoting trades training at its facilities. I couldn’t help but notice the sad irony when finding, on the following page, a letter regarding the cuts by the college of vital programs.

Please consider  that one particular department essential  to further training in the trades  has lost half of its faculty to these cuts.

This department enables many in our community to retrain  and achieve a high school diploma.

The department thus provides the opportunity for learning a trade and hence, a chance at a good livelihood.

This department must not be axed to pieces.

I believe one must have basic math skills to decipher technical drawings, isn’t it so?

Louise Chaput,

Terrace, B.C


Terrace Standard