COLUMN: A public job well served

COLUMN: A public job well served

Benno Friesen represented the community of Surrey for nearly two decades.

Benno Friesen was an outstanding MP when he represented Surrey in the House of Commons for 19 years.

I knew him well and covered his observations from Ottawa, during most of his years as an MP. I admired his clear-headedness and his strong work on behalf of constituents.

On one of the first occasions I met him, I was not a reporter. A group of us who were concerned about changes to legislation on gun ownership met with him at what was then the Green Timbers Hall on 88 Avenue. The changes were initiated by the Liberal government of Pierre Trudeau, and Friesen was a first-term Opposition Conservative MP. He took a considerable amount of time to explain the legislation and listen to the concerns the group – mostly hunters and sport shooters – expressed.

Friesen, who retired in 1993,  gave the annual Mel Smith lecture at Trinity Western University in Langley last week. The lectures are sponsored by the Smith family in memory of Mel Smith, longtime provincial deputy minister of intergovernmental affairs and constitutional issues.

Friesen was part of two Conservative governments – the short-lived Joe Clark government in 1979, and the Brian Mulroney/Kim Campbell majority government from 1984 to 1993.

He was a very influential member of the Conservative caucus, perhaps playing his strongest role as caucus chairman during the leadership transition from Clark to Mulroney. The caucus had been divided during the leadership race, which came about when Clark received support from only two-thirds of delegates to a 1982 Conservative convention.

Friesen, who backed Clark’s continued leadership, took on that job with the same quiet determination he applied to constituents’ issues, and earned a great deal of respect from MPs.

The Conservative caucus, which never had many Quebec MPs until the Mulroney landslide in 1984, was very different after that election. Friesen managed to work hard to unite the MPs, and give them all a voice at the caucus meetings.

He struck up an excellent relationship with many Quebec MPs. Soon after the election, he invited a young rookie MP,  Jean Charest, to speak  to his constituents at an event in Newton.

Friesen also became good friends with Benoit Bouchard, who served in Mulroney’s cabinet and made a number of visits to Surrey during the Mulroney era.

Friesen represented Surrey well in Ottawa. At that time, Surrey had two MPS, both of whom were shared with other communities.

When the Conservatives started to fall apart with the rise of the Reform party, Friesen, with his characteristic loyalty, remained committed to the Conservatives. He eventuality backed the merger of the former Progressive Conservative and Canadian Alliance parties to become the current Conservative party.

Surrey has grown a great deal since the 1970s and 1980s. It now has four MPs and will soon have five.

Surrey residents have served as premiers of B.C. and in the provincial cabinet. Our current Mayor Dianne Watts is widely admired. Yet it will be hard for any of them to do a better job of representing Surrey than Friesen did in his 19 years. His reflections last week on his days in Ottawa reminded me of the good job he did.

Frank Bucholtz is the editor of The Langley Times. He writes weekly for The Leader.

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