COLUMN: Catching the travel bug

COLUMN: Catching the travel bug

A wealth of knowledge is available to help plan your vacation

This past spring break, my partner and I had the opportunity to go to Mexico for a fraction of the regular cost.

We were so excited!

I started looking into all the sites and attractions we could visit while he started looking at the local restaurant menus and choosing what he was going to eat each day.

Unfortunately, our excitement was short-lived because I realized that during the time we were supposed to be in Mexico, I had an important appointment during that time that could not be rescheduled.

We decided that instead of being disappointed, we would just put our energy into planning a trip for next year.

That way we wouldn’t be rushing around trying to plan and we could take our time to figure out what we really wanted to do and see (and eat!)

The library provides a wealth of knowledge when it comes to travel guides and in the beginning stages of our planning process. It has been extremely helpful.

Now that we are not just limited to Mexico, we have started looking at traveling to all sorts of places.

One book that has been interesting to read has been The World’s Greatest Hotels, Resorts, and Spas, published by Travel + Leisure Books.

While we may not be able to afford the $1000+/night rates, it doesn’t hurt to dream.

My partner really enjoyed reading 100 Places You Will Never Visit: The World’s Most Secret Locations, by Daniel Smith, although now I am a little worried that he may try to figure out a way to sneak us into Area 51 or the Vatican Secret Archives.

While travel guides are extremely helpful, I also enjoy reading about a person’s travel adventures.

Rudy’s Rules for Travel: Life lessons from Around the Globe, by Mary K. Jensen is a hilarious memoir of a couple with opposing opinions when it comes to travel.

The wife’s view of traveling is on the cautious side, but her husband’s rules and enthusiasm compelled her to go way out of her comfort zone and gave her some wild stories, like being stranded atop a runaway elephant!

If travel isn’t in the cards for you right now, I would suggest reading Around the World in 80 Dinners, by Cheryl and Bill Jamison.

This book recounts the couple’s adventures in 10 different countries and provides a recipe for each country.

I think that my partner and I might eventually make all the recipes so we can “travel” from the comfort of our own home!

Once you have planned your trip, and read some fun, adventurous travel stories, don’t forget to load up your Kobo or iPad with some books to read on your vacation.

The Okanagan Regional Library has tons of e-books and e-audiobooks that are available for free with your library card.

Visit the Summerland Branch with your device and we will be more than happy to help you set it up.

Kayley Robb is an Assistant Community Librarian at the Summerland Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library and she has caught the travel bug!

Summerland Review