Photo Credit: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Port Angeles

COLUMN: Easter reminds us that a resurrection is possible every day

Pandemic or not, my hope is in the Lord, who has given me resilience to carry on

Fuzzy buds on trees, daffodil’s bugles, lenten roses and morning bird calls are signs of spring.

I love the change of the season. I practise slow looking as I walk to work and around my neighbourhood. Flowers and trees are exploding with life.

Spring can always be within us because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It’s something I am very grateful for. I don’t want to forget His gift. There can be a resurrection every day – when I get out of bed or when I rally against negative thoughts and choose joy.

Easter is a particular joyful celebration for me. I have experienced Jesus’ resurrection within me. When I am depressed, I feel like there is no way out of the darkness, the suicidal thoughts and the despair.

Yet, through the help of my family and resources, I get help when I need it and recover. I choose to do everything I can to regain mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

And I have learned that I can’t do it alone or on my own strength. My loving community of friends and family support me. Leaning on the promise of redemption that Jesus graces me with keeps me going. He sends me help through the gift of others.

Recently, a group of my friends organized a Zoom party to eat dinner and watch a Masterclass online. We watched a few trailers and decided to watch Robin Roberts. She is a co-anchor of Good Morning America and has a class on effective and authentic communication.

What impressed me about her was the way she shared her story of growing as a professional. She dreamed big and started small, even turning down jobs that were amazing because she didn’t feel ready yet.

It also touched me that she spoke about a vulnerable topic – her journey through breast cancer and later, a rare blood disorder. She made her circumstance a platform to serve others. As she says, “make your mess your message.”

It hit home for me. Ever since I have started writing about living with bipolar disorder, I have felt that it has been a healing process. It always surprises me when people open up to say they can relate.

The fight to live with hope is only made easier knowing that my Saviour has already won the battle. Knowing Jesus has suffered first eases the pain I feel in the moment. I believe that he has redeemed my struggle by rising from the dead.

Jesus’ life is a force within me that I can be receptive to. That is why I will be singing Alleluia happily this Easter.

No matter that there is still a pandemic going on – my hope is in the Lord, who has given me resilience to carry on.

Lisa Rumpel is a writer, speaker and mental health advocate. You can check out her podcast, The Resilient Catholic: Shining light on your journey to flourish with Mental Health, available on popular streaming services.

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