Column: Faith Foundations

Joy in the little things - James McFaddin

Recently I was visiting the Philippines with three others. The purpose of the trip was to train pastors (native to the Philippines) in ways ofleadership, team-building, and mentoring.

This was my first trip overseas, and my first time working with a team like this one. There were only four of us, and we had quite a few folksto train during our stay, and I found myself wondering what I could truly offer. I was certainly the most junior in the team (by nearly 20years), and I had never worked in this environment before. I began to ask God why I was actually going.

True to God’s character He had me wait and see why I was really there.

After traveling from Vancouver to Manila to La Trinidad and Baguio, I had somewhat recovered from jet-lag and began to take a look at theworld around me. It was amazing!

There were people everywhere, stores and markets, jeepney’s carrying passengers to and fro (google jeepney). The kindness and hospitalitypoured out in abundance! I was always greeted with a smile and a “hello sir”. We shared in churches, spoke in homes, and met in themarkets. No matter where we went, or what the conditions were, joy abounded in people’s hearts.

This was all taking place in a larger centre (Baguio), but I had to imagine that things were more difficult and trying in the remote places.Then we went to Basig.

The area of Basig that we visited was very poor. It was once home to Japanese and American mining companies, and it resides far in themountains of the main island. It was here where God showed me why I went on this trip.

Here, in a place steeped in poverty, there was an abundance of joy. Not just regular joy. Not the kind you get on Christmas morning, orwhen a relative comes to visit. I’m talking deeply-rooted, unshakable joy. Joy that comes from beyond us. Joy that can only come from God.

You see, I had forgotten the depth of joy that comes from experiencing my Heavenly Father’s love, and here, in Basig, God answered myquestion. He brought me there to remind me of the simplicity of His joy and that it reaches to the ends of the earth.

So today, I urge you to ask God what He has for you. You might be surprised. God not only gave joy to the people of Basig, He actively givesjoy to you and me, and that’s worth being joyful about!

Pastor James

New Life Church



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