Cassidy Dankochik joined the Observer's staff in Aug. of 2020 by way of Gimli, Altona, and Flin Flon, Manitoba. (Photo by Tracey Roberts)

COLUMN: Filling in Quesnel’s blanks

I feel I've been missing out on what makes Quesnel tick

Moving to a new town across a country is hard during the best of times, but during COVID-19 it’s been a challenge.

Politely turning down invites, and not receiving them due to pandemic precautions has left me a little high and dry when it comes to re-establishing myself in Quesnel.

As a journalist, I’m used to my job being my social life. Going to community events and meetings is enjoyable to me. It’s why I love working at a community newspaper. Under normal circumstances you meet so many new people and learn so many new things.

But when it comes to learning about Quesnel (and area) and its quirks and nooks and crannies, I feel behind the eight ball a little bit.

That’s why I’m asking our readers to help. I’d love to hear from you about what makes Quesnel the place it is today.

I’m talking about the kind of things easily noticed and picked up on when you’re waiting for a meeting to start, in between hockey periods, even chatting on the street or grabbing a coffee with someone.

Something I didn’t pick up on until I moved out here was how many people live around Quesnel outside of the city limits. I’m also still working out the ebbs and flows of the relationship between the Cariboo Regional District and municipal governments.

So I’d love to see a bunch of emails in my inbox (, or even letters to the editor, filling me in on something about Quesnel you think I should know, but haven’t been able to notice because of COVID-19.

I look forward to hearing from you.

-Cassidy Dankochik is the editor of the Quesnel Observer

READ MORE: COVID-19 vaccine schedule makes sense

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email a letter to the editor to:

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer