Column: Have a safe, fun Victoria Day long weekend

Happy Victoria Day weekend, folks. And a happy May long weekend everyone, or a happy two-four weekend.

Happy Victoria Day weekend, folks.

And a happy May long weekend everyone, or a happy two-four weekend.

In some parts of Canada a case of beer is called a two-four and as Queen Victoria’s Birthday is May 24, those beer drinkers decided to stick their moniker for the number of the day.

I suspect they will have a few brewskis from their 2-4 case.

Whatever we call this holiday, it will be another weekend of good eating and visiting with friends and relatives.

I know a lot of Williams Lake and area folks are heading out to enjoy mother nature’s best in the Cariboo Chilcotin country with family.

Fishing has been pretty good in many lakes, while some are just getting started and you know there will be more than a few lures hitting the water this long weekend.

I know many of you will be glad for a long weekend — an extra day off — but in my case I don’t get weekends as I am retired. I suspect you don’t feel sorry for me.

Sometimes we tend to cram too much into a short four-day period and the weekend gets a little crazy sometimes, so when you go back to work you don’t feel rested or your batteries weren’t charged.

I suspect the cramming on holiday weekends happens when we have to drive to somewhere where it would take six or seven hours one way, say the coast, and have two full days down there with a busy schedule, then drive back home.

On the other hand because this is accepted as the start of summer, especially with the weather we have had lately, I know the RVs, tents and motorhomes will get a good workout this weekend.

Remember, you can cook great meals over a campfire if you do not have the portable outdoor stoves or just want to have a meal that involves a littler wood smoke taste.

With the campfire, if you control the heat and have a grate, along with a good cast iron cooking pot or pan, you can cook some pretty tasty meals. Stay close to the fire to watch your cooking or untasty things can happen.

If you are spending time in the outdoors this weekend, or are having company from out of town, do your planning and shopping ahead of time — especially for the food items.

There will be lots of vehicles on the road this weekend so if you are driving, please use a little more caution, courtesy and common sense.

Have a wonderful two-four weekend folks.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune