Column – Least you’re reading the paper

mayor mary sjostrom, city hall, sushil thapar silly season, elections,

Here we go, the “silly season” a time for rejoicing in democracy, gobbling up candidate profiles, listening with intense pleasure during debates and making an informed vote.

It’s also a time for mud-slinging, gossip and my personal favourite: accusing the media of bias reporting.

I love my job.

Certainly it comes with the territory and at times can even prove a bit amusing.

Caller one: “That picture you had… are you serious? Could you be more pro-Mary?”

Caller nine: “Where’s your integrity? It’s so obvious you’re in Sushil’s back pocket.”

No matter how many calls, insults, pot shots, threats and hang ups I’m still left shaken, slightly nauseous and oddly elated.

“They read the paper!” I’ve exclaimed excitedly more than once to my ever-supportive mother.

Of course there’s also another emotion: anger.

I cannot begin to tell you how many times I wanted to tell said caller to kindly hang up the phone, cover their body in honey and walk among the most fragrant of flowers during bee season.

But, of course, I do not, nor will I.

These people are exercising their freedom of speech. They’re passionate, motivated and engaged.


And truth be told if I receive one phone call at 8:10 ripping me a new one for supporting Mary and another after lunch for promoting Sushil, well I figure I must be doing my job.

But let’s make one thing clear: I am not supporting one candidate.

Not one.

I am supporting them all.

Each and every individual willing to put their name on that nomination package, stand by it, stand up and, with the best of intentions, try to make this community an even better place to live gets my vote.

If, of course, I voted – which I do not.

No, sadly, while I rally on in many editorials about exercising and cherishing the right and obligation to vote, I myself do not.

Because if I could in all conscience put a name down Nov. 19, how could I truly tell myself I was unbiased in my coverage?

I do not care who runs this community. That may sound harsh, but if I did, surely it would inadvertently slant my reporting.

What I do care about is that they are honest, forthright, intelligent, respectful, hardworking, intuitive and compassionate.

That’s not asking too much is it?

May the best candidates win.

May the best person for the job, be it mayor, councillor, trustee or director, land the title.

I sincerely mean that.

Of course even after this column I will be accused of supporting one over another.

And honestly, that’s OK… At least you’re reading the paper.

Autumn MacDonald is editor of the Quesnel Cariboo Observer.



Quesnel Cariboo Observer