Column missing the picture

People who moved to big cities to find work now must leave to find affordable housing

From Tom Fletcher’s opinion piece ‘Housing crisis decades in the making’ in the July 27 Saanich News:

“And it’s beginning to reverse a long trend of depopulation from small communities and rural areas, as people are forced to look for something they can afford.”

Ah, Mr. Fletcher – do you realize perchance, that the “depopulation from small communities” was not so much the attraction of bright lights in the big city, as it was the shut down of jobs, forcing people to move to larger urban areas?

And do you realize that this “reversal” is not the lure of sudden job openings in the small communities, as it is the unaffordability of accommodations in the big city?  In other words, just as people were originally forced to move to the big city, they are now being forced to move out – except this time around, there are no jobs waiting for them.

Or perhaps you left your opinion piece unfinished?

Richard Weatherill



Saanich News