Column: No beef with this delicious herb-sprinkled roast

In a recent cooking column I wrote about using fresh herbs from my garden.

In a recent cooking column I wrote about using fresh herbs from my garden.

I was cooking a nice piece of fresh halibut and decided that some nice herbs would go well with the fish.

I used oregano, thyme, sage and chives, chopped them fine and sprinkled it on top of the fish with some butter, lemon juice and lemon zest.

My guest for supper was Wayne Reeves and he remarked how tasty the herbs were on the halibut.

It is so easy to add some extra taste to food when using fresh or dried herbs.

I like to use rosemary on some nice tasty lamb chops.

Mmmm … good.

Some nice people just recently gave me a two to three pound top round beef roast.

I had intended to try a recipe using a marinade but time did not allow me that opportunity.

So now, it was time to change gears because the roast had already thawed.

I poked holes around the roast with a knife and inserted a good sized slice of garlic in each cavity.

I then freely applied freshly cracked pepper along with more garlic and herbs to coat the roast.

Lastly, I drizzled some hot olive oil on the roast then put it in a casserole dish along with two medium-sized onions, quartered.

Add a couple of cups of beef broth and a cup of red wine, crank up the oven or barbecue to 350 Farenheit and cook for two-and-one-half to three hours depending on how much doneness you need for your family or dinner guests.

I just used the juice left over as it was to pour over my beef when serving, but you could make an interesting gravy with the cooking liquid.

This is an easy and quick dish to prepare.

I suspect you could put this in your crock pot before you leave for work and it should be cooked in time for dinner.

Try using herbs when you are cooking your next meal.

Bye for now and GOOOD COOKING.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune