COLUMN: Plans and permits and paint colours, oh my!

Ten years ago my husband and I purchased a lot and set about building our first home in Canada.

Ten years ago my husband and I purchased a lot and set about building our first home in Canada.

We had just got our building permit and were so excited to start when we discovered we were also “building” our first child in Canada! I was unexpectedly expecting.

Our timeframe was suddenly reduced and there was a mad scramble to move in before the baby came.

With this rush came a whole lot of compromises and many unfinished projects for my poor husband but we made it into the house in time.

Fast forward 10 years and many of those unfinished projects are still not done. Life has a habit of getting in the way. I always vowed to never build or move into a “project” again as I’ve done my time living in a building site.

Last year it felt like it was time for our family to move on.

Our boys are growing and our house is no longer right for us. I dutifully spent hours scouring the real estate listings trying to find the perfect match.

Nothing seemed just right.

My husband just so happens to co-own a construction company and suggested that we build again.

My gut reaction was to run away screaming but then the unexpected happened. We found a plot of land that was just so perfect for us and before you know it we were the proud owners of a lot.

We are now right in the thick of the design stage.

My husband is drawing up plans and creating 3D models to let me do a virtual walkthrough of our new home. Even though I said I would never do this again I have to admit it’s quite exciting.

I get to utilize all the resources at the library such as ‘225 Hillside Home Plans’ by Nate Ewell and ‘202 Outstanding House Ideas’ by Bridget Vrankx.

The actual layout part isn’t easy for me to visualize so to see all the ideas done in other homes is invaluable. The fun part for me is the décor side and flipping through the many magazines we have, such as Style at Home and House Beautiful, to generate ideas.

I have one very hard and fast rule for this build, I am not moving into it until it is finished.

We are at a very different stage of life than we were 10 years ago. We won’t have babies and toddlers to juggle this time around.

Life however is busy and I know that all those little unfinished projects that we say we’ll get to will be repeatedly put on the back burner and before you know it another decade will have passed.

The day the keys are handed over will be so amazing but I know just how much work it will be to get there.

So it’s time to dig deep, channel my inner interior decorator and let my creative side fly.

If you see a bright pink house with green polka dots as you drive round Summerland it really won’t be my fault as I said I didn’t want to build again and you’ve been warned I’m just not that good at it!

Adele Meadow is an Assistant Community Librarian at the Summerland Branch and amateur designer.


Summerland Review