COLUMN: Reflections at the end of summer

This column will be a departure from my normal as I try and collect my random thoughts.

This column will be a departure from my normal as I try and collect my random thoughts.

I have never liked my birthday. It falls this weekend and for me, always signified the end of summer.

I don’t know what it is about the end of summer that depresses me, but it does.

The streets are much quieter right after Labour Day and it’s like the sidewalks have been rolled up.

I love the bustle of summer – out of town guests and kids running around and playing care free.

I enjoy looking forward to warm summer evenings.

I like being able to walk in the sunshine for a coffee and appreciate when I walk into an air conditioned house after being outside in the heat all day.

I enjoy cooking outside and entertaining friends outdoors.

Fall is just around the corner and I am not ready.

I don’t want to rake leaves or dig my sweaters out.

I’m just not ready.

I suspect that I am not alone in this sentiment.

I also don’t want to get a year older.

For obvious reasons.

My son can’t wait to be older. I keep telling him to appreciate being six.

Appreciate that he doesn’t have to worry about adult problems.

Enjoy being able to ride your bike and still be able to walk the next day.

Enjoy that you don’t have to get up two times a night to pee.

Life goes by too quickly and I would like it to stop so I can catch up.

It has been a year of writing in this space bi-weekly and I would like to acknowledge all those who have given me feedback or written a letter regarding one of my columns.

The goal for me was to advance the conversation about the topics that interest me and judging from the response, it has accomplished that goal.

Opinions are the lifeblood of any paper and I always appreciate hearing yours.

Could just be a hunch, but I think this was a very successful tourist season for most.

I saw quite a few license plates from the USA and all points from Canada.

It also made me happy to hear from quite a few local businesses run off their feet.

Here is hoping that the fall wine fest and Christmas (cough cough) events continue this trend!

I hope you are all enjoying the Council Comment column that is a new addition to our paper.

It is a great opportunity to hear from our elected officials on how they make the decisions they do and what they see on their side of the table.

I strongly believe that local municipal government has the biggest affect on our day to day lives.

In closing, if you see a parent with a giddy look on their face Sept. 6, it’s probably because they just dropped their kids off at school and are no longer entertainment coordinator for the household.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Rob Murphy is the sales manager at the Summerland Review.


Summerland Review