COLUMN: Running on empty

I am tired. Life seems so busy, a constant whirl of work, kid’s activities and social events.

I am tired. Life seems so busy, a constant whirl of work, kid’s activities and social events.

I love it but I am tired. I have a friend who is even busier than me but who always seems to have a smile on her face and a positive attitude.

The secret to her success it would appear is running. Yes, running.

Even though you feel like you spend the whole day running from one thing to another, the best way to relax is apparently running.

A few years ago I took up running as a way to exercise both myself and my dog.

Sadly I was remiss in keeping up with my routine and it fell by the wayside.

I really felt the difference. Luckily my friend is a self-confessed ‘running enabler.’ She started inviting me out for weekend jaunts.

My eldest son also challenged me to get back out there, he’s only eight but was determined to run the 10k Giant’s Head Run this June and of course wanted me to run it with him. So I really had no excuse.

When I first started running I used an app on my smartphone that told me exactly when to run and when to walk.

This was great for solo runs, I had my music on then every few minutes the disembodied voice would tell me to stop, which was bliss, or go, which was not!

This time however I’ve more often than not got company on my runs, be it supportive friends or a chatterbox little boy.

Sticking in my headphones and drowning out the world just doesn’t work.

Worry not, there are a multitude of books full of running plans that cater to all levels and all distances.

A couple of my favourites are ‘Train Like A Mother’ by Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea and ‘Runner’s World Big Book of Running For Beginners’ by Jennifer Van Allen

Another consideration I’ve had to make for my return to running is injury.

Unbeknownst to me I got older and now have to think about taking care of myself a little more. Thankfully I found the perfect book to lead me through the warm-up and cool-downs needed to keep me safe, ‘Running Injury Free’ by Joe Ellis

I’m now a few months into my new regime and I have to admit it is working.

I have more energy, I’m more positive and I get to spend more time with my son which is an added bonus.

We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place and now I’m getting to appreciate more of it as it zips by my speeding form!

I’m never going to be a wonder athlete, it’s just not who I am, but I have rediscovered my love of running.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to put all our hard work to the test at the Giant’s Head Run this year as my son broke his arm.

Watching the Olympic athletes perform however is pretty inspiring and is giving us renewed impetus to keep up with our training so we’re ready for next year.

Adele Meadow is an Assistant Community Librarian at the Summerland Branch and now runs rain or shine.


Summerland Review