Column strikes a chord

Your column “Daddy at the dentist” (January 27, 2012) struck a chord with me

First off I’m not a resident of Nelson, I live in Cranbrook. However I do have a uncle in Nelson and he likes to share his issues of the Nelson Star with family members. After my dad has read them, he passes them along to me.

Your column “Daddy at the dentist” (January 27, 2012) struck a chord with me. My father-in-law has Alzheimer’s. I could relate to things in your story, especially the part about “ten things he says every single time we see each other.” While reading the column I laughed and felt sad. It was really nice to see such an column, I wish more people could be as open about how Alzheimer’s has touched their lives.

I look forward to reading your future articles.

Marnie Plant



Nelson Star