Column: Volunteers the cog that makes the community go around

Summer is now here and there are so many things happening in our fair city.

Summer is now here and there are so many things happening in our fair city.

The Stampede crew is all geared up for another record crowd.

It should be an exciting Williams Lake Stampede and, of course, there are lots of other folks participating in the many events that are surrounding the holiday weekend.


That’s who keeps the Stampede going year after year.

That is who work to put together a Stampede Parade, the Street Party and all of the other events that make this our biggest event of the year.

What would we do without volunteers?

Who would keep all of these activities going? Those actions take many hours of volunteering.

What do people get out of volunteering?

The satisfaction of being able to help is the main reason.

People do really like to spend their time helping others.

Who runs the Legion, the Elks, the Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary and all of the other groups that make our city and area a much better place to live, work and play? Volunteers.

They give their time to help make those groups flourish.

They give their expertise and abilities to help in a wide variety of community groups that need folk to keep them going.

The word volunteer means a person who freely offers to do something — a person who works for an organization without being paid.

If I was paid for my volunteer time over the years I would be counting my money, but I do those things out of community spirit and, I suspect, that is the reason most people freely give of their time to help groups and organizations.

Individuals believe the group or groups they  donate their time with, is a worthwhile activity, one that will help the community be a better place.

We would be a much poorer community if we did not have, cubs, scouts, sports, and religious groups who are just some of many organizations in town that contribute to a making this a better society.

When you see a volunteer working it does not take long to say ‘thanks for being a volunteer.’

Thanks to all of the volunteers in Williams Lake and area. You make our community a better place to live.

Have a Goood Stampede and a fun Long Canada Day holiday.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune