Columnist wrong about Islamicism

Re: Harper’s stance not engendering pride, Appeal to Reason, Dec. 15.

To the Editor,

Re: Harper’s stance not engendering pride, Appeal to Reason, Dec. 15.

Ron Heusen should buy a dictionary and a few other books as well.

Stephen Harper is perfectly correct in saying that, Islamicism is the primary source of terrorism today; but not Islam.

There is a difference between the two and the fact is that there is a fanatical sect of terror that hides behind Islam, but is not Islam.

There is also another aspect of Islamicism that is equally as effective, but not as spectacular, nor as well-known, because it is much more subtle. It is known as citizenship jihad, because its objective is to have as many Muslims as possible become citizens and then change the existing laws to suit them. It’s already happening in Europe.

Paul D. Good


Nanaimo News Bulletin