Columnist’s rants damage credibility

To the Editor,

Re: Tar sand far from ethical, Science Matters, Feb. 3.

Perhaps you can advise the esteemed David Suzuki that Alberta calls its natural resource by its proper scientific name – oilsands. It has nothing to do with politics.

Tar simply is man-made.

And his rants do him no justice at all as a formerly respected environmentalist. He is now simply a political activist, who would rather have all of us in caves as he flies around in planes that use JP4 fossil fuel to his $75,000 lectures.

His distortions and exaggerations are unbecoming of a scientist. He has never spent a day in the oilsands, yet he is an expert. Just like a hockey commentator who has never been on the ice.


Phillip Martin

via e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin