Columnist’s views not appreciated

Reader: Fletcher using arguments based on emotion, not facts

To the editor:

I am writing regarding Tom Fletcher’s column, headlined Science loses ground to superstition, on page A9 of the Oct. 2 edition of the 100 Mile House Free Press.

It’s truly bewildering to see such a headline above, yet even more of Tom Fletcher’s demagoguery towards David Suzuki – one who is an ardent believer and follower of actual science.

If it’s actual science that Fletcher truly seeks, why does he conveniently overlook the blatant anti-science thinking and frightening policy of his bird-of-a-feather Prime Minister Stephen Harper?

As one who has spent some early years consuming fundamentalist Christian preaching and teaching, including the evangelical sort towards which Harper and many of his MPs claim to be devout, it’s clear that such theology does not at all concern itself with a healthy, pristine Earth eco-system.

For, according to the Book of Revelations, Earth is to eventually be laid complete waste for a considerable period of time – if not permanently (depending on Biblical interpretation).

So, really, why worry about an unhealthy state of the planet’s environment – especially when there are so many jobs to be had?

Frank G. Sterle Jr.

White Rock

100 Mile House Free Press