COLUMNS: All for a good cause

Didn't get to see the chicken herders in action at the Stampede Grounds recently

COLUMNS: All for a good cause

Didn’t get to see the chicken herders in action at the Stampede Grounds on Saturday but I understand Mayor Cobb won the race.

I did go to the dinner. I wore a light jacket, after all, it’s only the middle of September. Big mistake.

There was a really mean wind blowing. It rained, and it was COLD. A goodly number of us toughed it out and the dinner was worth it: roast beef, all the trimmings and the best Caesar salad I’ve ever eaten. The proceeds of the day were for The Race for the Crown — to help Kaylee Billyboy on her way to the Miss Rodeo Canada Contest. Good luck, Kaylee.


Two deer have lived in a grandson’s backyard for several summers. One day last week, Toothless, a female cat and a new member of grandson’s establishment, ventured outside and one of the deer walked up and sniffed her. Toothless responded by giving it a good smack on the nose. The deer beat a hasty retreat, shaking its head. Toothless is named after the dragon in the movie How To Train Your Dragon. She must think she is one.


In a May column, I wondered how many incumbent SD 27 trustees would stay around. Well, three are (one resigned in January). Linda Martin and Willow MacDonald were acclaimed, Bruce Baptiste is being challenged.

The board chair has retired and the remaining two have changed ships — Brice O’Neil vying for CRD, Sheila Boehm for city council.

It’s unusual for one person to run for two different government boards, this year we have two. MacDonald is also trying for a CRD seat and faces an election there. CRD incumbent Angie Delainey is running to keep her seat and also for school board. She faces competition for both.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune