Columns aren’t the same as news articles

Columnists should be free to share their opinions

There are a couple of things in Marg Doman’s letter to the editor “Getting to know all the facts before voting” that I would like comment on.

I would consider Ruth Altendorf columnist for the Observer newspaper. Columns are different than news articles in that the writer is free to give their opinions about the events and happening that they are writing about. The columnist is not speaking on behalf of anyone but just sharing their thoughts. This is generally not considered political campaigning. I think most of the voting public is aware enough to realize that it is just one person’s thoughts and to make up their own minds about issues.

The other thing that comes up every election time is the idea that you cannot be aware of what is happening in the community without attending Council meetings.  This, I believe, is not true.  I do not attend Council meetings but I think I have a pretty good idea of the issues being discussed by Council.  I keep an eye on Council agendas, I attend public meetings and open houses and if I am unsure about something I ask.  I, like many people, do not have the time to attend all Council meetings.

I also would like to make a comment about the renovations to the Memorial Hall.  It is true that not everyone agreed with this project, but this can be said of every project in every municipality.  The Hall is an important, well used facility in this community and for a number of structural reasons was on the verge of being shut down.  The chance of a new facility being built in the next half dozen years is very small, so the renovation means Harrison will have a community facility over the next few years.  It should also be noted that the vast majority of the money for the project came from the Province not municipal taxes and the project was right on budget with no overruns.

I do agree with Marg Doman that it is important for all Harrison voters to inform themselves of the issues in the community and get out and vote on November 19.

Ed Stenson

Agassiz Observer