COLUMNS: Come join the carnival fun

Here in the Cariboo Chilcotin, we are used to working together to build successful lives for ourselves in the backcountry.

Here in the Cariboo Chilcotin, we are used to working together to build successful lives for ourselves in the backcountry — and we enjoy the sense of community that comes from shared labours. But, like our parents and grandparents before us, we know that having fun together can be as important as working together when it comes to building our communities.

This weekend’s Winter Carnival promises to be one of the year’s best opportunities for us to come together for a good time in Williams Lake. For the third annual carnival, community volunteers have once again planned two days of great activities catering to people of all ages and interests.

As we prepare to enjoy all the winter fun, let’s remember to thank our local businesses for the generous sponsorship that enables the carnival to offer all the events and activities free of charge.

When we talk about the role our small businesses play in our communities, many people think only of their economic contributions. However, out here in the Interior, we see firsthand just how much our businesses also help build the social bonds that keep our communities thriving, by supporting events like our Winter Carnival.

Everyone who has volunteered to plan events and activities and to run them during the Carnival also deserves our thanks. Their hard work is vital to the success of the weekend, so let’s show them how much we appreciate them by showing up and having a great time.

I’ll be participating in the official opening of the Carnival at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, as well as helping to judge the chilli cook-offs on both Saturday and Sunday.

The 2017 Winter Carnival will be in full swing from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 28, and Sunday, January 29 in Boitanio Park. For more information on events and activities, visit

I’m looking forward to seeing a great turnout, and speaking with as many of you as I can.

See you there!

Contact MLA Barnett’s constituency office:

Phone: (250) 305-3800


Donna Barnett is the Liberal MLA for Cariboo-Chilcotin.

Williams Lake Tribune