COLUMNS: Community bands together to make Winter Carnival happen

What would happen to our community if we did not have volunteers?

What would happen to our community if we did not have volunteers?

If you take a look around the community at the organizations and groups  that are in Williams Lake you will find many of the volunteers who make our city a better place.

The Chamber of Commerce, the Royal Canadian Legion, the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary, the Scouts and Cadets, the Salvation Army, indeed these and all the groups in Williams Lake would not operate without volunteers.

You get super volunteers like Bob McIntosh and those who may only do an hour or so a month.

They are all doing this city a big service.

We would not be having a Winter Carnival this weekend if it were not for volunteers.

President Darrick Boyes of the Winter Carnival has given lots of his time organizing volunteers to help out at the many events.

A couple of years ago Darrick was lamenting there was no winter carnival and, after talking to many people who thought it was once again time we had one, he decided to take the bull by the horns and get going.

Last year’s event was a good community affair, even if the weatherman didn’t give us enough snow. Different snow scene this go around.

There will be a Lions Club  pancake breakfast and other food during the day and the many events that appeal to all ages. There will also be a chilli cook off. You can experience the First Nations culture and their teepee. There are so many events to take in. I like the snowman contest and the snow art.

Many volunteers are needed to put together this kind of community event.

Seventy-three businesses have also joined in helping make this second annual Williams Lake Winter Carnival a success.

I like the advertising for the carnival that states: “This event brought to you by the community.”

Take some time to visit the Winter Carnival and see for yourself how many volunteers are needed to make a go of this second annual event.

Gooood Volunteering!

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune