COLUMNS: Happy Hors-D’Oeuvres brighten holiday season

It’s Happy season folks — a time when we tend to socialize a little more than usual.

It’s Happy  season folks — a time when we tend to socialize a little more than usual.

You know, the round of office parties, clubs, organizations,  and parties just because it’s this time of the year.

Hors-D’Oeuvres come hot or cold. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, a big range of foods and tastes. Sausages and wieners grace appetizer plates, along with eels, and cod tongues.

You’ll also find shellfish, eggs, vegetables with a dip and vegetables stuffed.

You can’t go wrong with smoked beef or smoked salmon on a cracker.

Making appetizers can be easy and quick, time consuming and laborious and a lot of fun because you can go wherever your imagination takes you.

Have some fun making your Hors-D’Oeuvres for the happy season.

Happy Season Hors-D’Oeuvres

This next recipe is quite time consuming but  the taste is worth the effort in the end.

Canapés with Sardines

Make a puree of sardines (type that come in oil) mixed with hard-boiled eggs.

Rub mixture through a sieve and add a little English mustard.

Spread this on canapés and arrange on them fillets of sardine. Sprinkle with bread crumbs that have been fried in butter.

Make sure they are well drained.

Put in oven for a few minutes and season with a pinch of cayenne.

OK, that’s a tough one. The next is easy and a tasty dip.  You can use this for a base on a cracker and add a whole lot of different toppings.

Cottage Cheese Herb Dip

• One cup cottage cheese creamed.

• Two tbsp lemon juice

• Tbsp Milk

• Two tbsp mayonnaise

• Two tbsp green onions chopped

• One quarter cup parsley, chopped

• One half tsp Tarragon leaves

• Pepper to taste

Mix ingredients in a blender and re-blend if needed until mixture is smooth and creamy.

Service with fresh vegetable sticks or assorted crackers.

This makes about one-and-one-third cups of dip.

I have tried this and used a little garlic, which makes it kind of nice.

I like to have this as a fairly thick dip.

Enjoy these little appetizer recipes.

Remember to have some fun when you’re in the Kitchen this upcoming ‘Happy Season’.

Keep Smiling!

Bye for Now and GOOOD COOKING.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune