COLUMNS: Learning the joys of cooking a treat in itself

There are many ways people get into learning how to cook.

There are many ways people get into learning how to cook.

Hunger, if you want to fill that void in your stomach daily, you have to fill it somehow.

You could eat at restaurants or on sandwiches your grandma showed you how to make when you were eight, or open some tins of food.

You don’t have to be a great cook to provide you and your family with tasty meals.

In today’s cooking you can mix almost anything, so go ahead and try something.

If you don’t like it, try the recipe with a little difference, and see if it works for you. But, don’t give up on learning to cook. I just read a recipe about blueberries and Brussels sprouts, something that I  probably would not have thought would go together, but then I have concocted dishes over the years that were equally odd.

You don’t have to do first class  cooking for each meal. In fact, a really good meal every once in a while is macaroni and cheese, with all kinds of additions.

Green onions, tomatoes and other veggies all enhance mac and cheese, as do different kinds of meats or fish. Different herbs and spices also add another taste to this iconic dish.

Whatever you are cooking make sure you have all the spices, herbs and the other goodies you are going to use. I was cooking something that called for tarragon until I went into my spice cabinet to find there was none available, so I used some dill and it worked out well.

It doesn’t always work that way but it sure in the heck is a quick way to experiment with tastes.

You don’t have to be a gourmet cook to do up meals that are filling and will please the old taste buds. Gourmet cooking is usually a bit more expensive, as an example many would not use dried herbs — must have fresh.

Have some fun when you are cooking, and if you make a dish where your partner would say:   “I would serve that meal to company,” meaning it was good. Write it down after the meal so you have a reference for future cooking.

Once you start experimenting doing your own homemade dishes there will be an urge to do even more.

You can also make the dishes more presentable with a few more pieces of colour to make it look attractive. Perhaps some thinly-sliced radish or red, green, orange and yellow peppers.

Take some time to learn more about cooking and don’t forget to try some experimentation with food.

Bye for now and Goood Cooking.

Ken Wilson is a freelance writer with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune