Columns: Parade Saturday to honour Vimy Ridge vets

Congratulations to those volunteers who held the rally in Boitanio Park to “take back the park” because hoodlums might get them.

Congratulations to those volunteers who held the rally in Boitanio Park to “take back the park” because hoodlums might get them.

There was an excellent turnout at the park and those attending heard from the politicians who came out to support the volunteers.

Folks in town have decided to take some action to show the goofballs that the park is not their own so they can harass citizens and steal from them.

Perhaps it would be good if each one of the prolific offenders had to wear a bright orange shirt with the words ‘prolific offender’ printed in big black letters so folks could use a little caution when they see one of these prolific offenders.

People who do dumb stuff and break the laws always suggest they have rights.

What about the rights of a citizen?

Seems the justice system does not hand out any punishment that stops these offenders from repeating their acts.

We could get them to sweep streets each day or do some kind of work that would benefit the community.

These ideas might seem a little out of line but so is the justice system when dealing with these jerks.


This Saturday there will be a parade of veterans marching from the Gibraltar room to the Cenotaph at city hall.

They will lay wreaths in memory of those Canadians who died in the battle of Vimy Ridge.

It was a turning point in Canada as four Canadian divisions fought together at Vimy Ridge and this show of nationalism united citizens from coast to coast.

My grandfather fought in this battle and I heard some horrible stories about this great encounter almost 100 years ago.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune