COLUMNS: Thinking positive and helping others brings joy

The year is just about over. What were some of your magic moments for this year 2016?

The year is just about over.

What were some of your magic moments for this year 2016?

Did you get a raise in your job this year, or perhaps you just got married.

Those two items are the good things we get as we go through life.

There are some doubtful items that we picked up this year and some things we would not want to happen again.

Health is another matter that has had its ups and downs since 2016 began.

Some of us will have had health problems and then there are those of us who just keep moving along without many aches and pains.

There were things in your life during this past year where you gave to the community … a donation to the Legion, giving some money to the Salvation Army or time put forward for a non-profit organization.

Do you have any regrets over this past year?

We all slip up once in a while but it is nice to not think about the little lapses we all have from time to time but the best part of this is to get yourself to a positive thinking mode.

Did you have any nice moments during the year?

Sure you did, we all do. Sometimes those moments are memory moments.

Perhaps you have had an addition to your family that brings much happiness.

There are so many areas where we can get good vibes and it is not just about what we get, but what we give.

Did you help a friend this year when they needed a little something? It gives me a nice warmth to do something special for people of all ages, especially if they are not expecting your gift.

Unless you have had bad health problems or some other unfortunate people type problems I think this was a pretty good year.

Now with Christmas behind us and a New Year on our doorstep what is it you are looking forward to in the new year? With all of the garbage that is going on around the world, I think ‘peace’ would be welcomed and that would be my wish for the new year.

Happy New Year folks.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune