Colwood spending too much on roadway

I would like to know why it is necessary for the City of Colwood to spend oodles of money for beatification of a strip of road.

I would like to know why it is necessary for the City of Colwood to spend oodles of money for beatification of a strip of road.

Sure I can see sidewalks on the courthouse side of Island Highway, but enough already with the bike lanes and trees.

If jaywalking is an issue then use the money to hire another bylaw officer to issue tickets.

Even the engineer admits that the engineering is going to be tricky for the crosswalk. For who, the cyclist and pedestrians? Build a tunnel like the one by the Royal Oak shopping centre which goes under the Pat Bay Highway with no impact to traffic flow.

Better yet, build an over head walkway and put a great big sign on it “Welcome To Colwood” so when people come to Capital City Centre in the future they won’t be confused and think they are in the capital city which is Victoria.

Randy Smith





Goldstream News Gazette