Comments on World Bank commitment

Sixty-seven million children in the world do not go to school.

To the editor;

Sixty-seven million children in the world do not go to school.

It is thus quite important that the World Bank, conveying aid to the poorest of the world, respect its 2010 commitment of a $750 million increase in basic education.

By rather decreasing its aid in 2011, the World Bank broke its commitment towards its donators, including Canada with its $1.5 billion contribution over three years.

This $1.5 billion contribution comes from Canadian taxpayers and the Canadian government must absolutely force the World Bank to respect this commitment in favour of the poorest populations.

Above all, it must not forget how the World Bank, when left by itself, can strongly hurt the poorest of the world, like it did for many years with its sad structural adjustment policies.

Bruno Marquis

Received by email


Barriere Star Journal