Commercial plans ‘a blessing’

Letter writer is happy at the prospect of big box stores coming to commercial development on Tsawout First Nation land

Re: Tsawout proposal goes public (News, Feb. 10)

I am all in favour of this development. It will bring much needed job opportunities to the Peninsula area, will attract younger families – and for those of us who travel to Langford to do our big box shopping, it will be a blessing; gas saving; and will take some of the traffic away from Highway 1 and keep it in the Peninsula area.  Do you need any more reasons to go ahead with this development?

And the biggest reason for this development to go ahead is just what Allan Claxton mentioned – to create self-sufficiency for the Tsawout people. It is way past time to do away with the outdated, useless Indian Act and help our First Nations become self-sufficient. Although I have no idea what all the lawyers and bureaucrats who have made the Indian Act their own little personal treasure trove will do with all their time once they don’t have the First Nations to manage and jerk around.

Sandra Mills


Peninsula News Review