Common sense?

Common sense seems different for politicians than the rest of us.

Dear editor,

Premier Christie Clark spoke on the radio about the need for common sense solutions in her government. This was apropos her ideas about dealing with the environmental threat of the northern pipeline proposal by insisting that B.C receive a greater share of the profits! That makes no sense to me. It sounds as idiotic as spending $6 million producing a flashy pamphlet to promote the H.S.T. in an effort to boost the economy, only to have them all shredded after the tax was vetoed by referendum.

Perhaps common sense is different for politicians than for the rest of us. I have been angry and frustrated about runaway government spending of borrowed money that ordinary people are expected to repay (and I am not alone), but the premier has explained that the problem she faces is a “revenue shortfall”.

I used to think that the human race was all together in the same boat, and that together we would all sink or swim, but since the Jasmine Revolution and the Occupy movement I see things differently. The world has become a Dragon Boat race, with 99% of us paddling while the richest 1% steer the boat, and  appoint different governments to call out the rhythm and keep us synchronized and productive. I think it’s time to head back to shore.

Blair Hamilton

Port Hardy

North Island Gazette